Founder's Chronicles
Our Story
The story began in 1993. Ranjit ( MBA , International Business ) and Nina ( Masters in Social Work ) wondered how they could add value to their family farms. They noticed how the conventional practice of growing grapes needed a lot of expensive chemicals and huge debts, the farmers were incurring due to this. This made them visit and research how other countries succeed in the world market and confidence, that growing “poison free” grapes is possible without burning a hole in the pocket of small farmers.
They took up the challenge of converting a drought prone area in Western Maharashtra into green, lush vineyards, along with the local women, as most men had migrated to urban areas in search of jobs. Today, a Natural Farming revolution has taken place as the entire dry landscape has been converted into mini vineyards. Most of the women who started on Fresh Express Farms ( and continue to do so ), have gone ahead and started their own farms with technical assistance and through Natural Farming, which is widely propagated by the couple.
Mr. Ranjeet A. Patil
Contact :
Ms. Nina Patil
Why Fresh Express ?