Grapes Specifications

Name: Seedless Grapes
Variety : Thompson, Sonaka, Black Seedless
Country of Origin : India
Fruit is picked selectively so that it arrives in good condition. Proper post harvest handling ensures that stalks are green and look fresh on arrival. Bunches are individually packed in perforated carry-home punnets or pouches. Loose berries will be 0% at the time of leaving our pack house. Berry drop at destination will not exceed 5% by weight. Grapes will be free of splits, diseases and pests.
Fruits are graded evenly within each cartoon and hence will look uniform in terms of color and size. Bunches will be well formed and not too tight or too thin.
Thompson Grapes : 17 mm
Sonaka Grapes : 15 mm
Black Seedless and Saga Gold : 17 mm Bunches will weigh from 400 to 800 gms
Sonaka Grapes : 15 mm
Black Seedless and Saga Gold : 17 mm Bunches will weigh from 400 to 800 gms
Sugar content 17 Brix ( minimum )
Pale Green
Grapes are harvested when fully mature and sweet, ideally during the early hours of the day when the temperature is lowest. Grapes are delivered to the point of packing and precooled within three hours of harvest.
Sulphur Pads
Sulphur pads are inserted when grapes are cooled to below 4oC. This is separated from the grapes by a sheet of paper to avoid direct contact.
Each carton is labeled with the following information
- Name and the address of the Exporter
- Name of the product
- Variety
- Class
- Country of origin
- Trade name
In addition to the above specific labelling requirements could be incorporated as per buyers specific information.
Pesticide Residue
Use of pesticides are documented as per strict confirmation to world practices and standards. Extension activities include conducting training and demonstration to growers on the controlled and safe use of pesticides. Data on pesticides applied and water analysis from farmers are maintained with us and is available on request.
The grapes are packed in corrugated boxes. Boxes are lined with bubbled cushion pad. Bunches are packed individually in plastic pouches with handles and in punnets. They are ventilated with air holes for circulation.
All shipments are sent from Mumbai port by Maersk, APL and other shipping lines which offer regular service to all major ports of the world.